2 min readMar 30, 2021

The European Solidarity Corps project in Tarifa-Spain will consist of activities to care for physical health, personal development and management of emotions and motivation for learning and mental stimulation and to acquire new knowledge in the line of generating cooperative social network, care for people and effectiveness in achieving objectives. The activities will be involved in these areas of knowledge.

Identification of the flora of the area and the plants and vegetables grown in a garden. Correct use of specific tools for different agricultural tasks. Permaculture design of a family garden. Aromatic and medicinal garden. PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT:
Practice of Asana & Pranayama. Relaxation, meditation and concentration techniques. Learning in group facilitation: Non-Violent Communication. Feedback.
In addition to these activities the volunteers will participate in cooking tasks and maintenance of common spaces and in leisure activities that are interesting to them.

The 6 volunteers will enjoy a shared house for them with bathroom. They will be able to make use of all the shared indoor and outdoor facilities of the ecovillage such as the kitchen, library, yoga room, deck, zome, dome and all the natural spaces around us. The food will be vegetarian and ecological or local.

The volunteers will be accompanied by the people in charge of the area of knowledge in each case, who will provide them with the tools and theory so that they can develop practical learning.

Since it is a learning programme, participants need to come with motivation to deepen and acquire new knowledge through theory and practice, although no previous experience is required. The project is aimed at to young people who are interested in: Group facilitation. Permaculture. Yoga. Phytotherapy and aromatic and medicinal plants. Due to the natural environment in which we live and the activities to be carried out, participants will need to be in good health and physical condition.

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Globers is Spanish a cultural hub ,a peer-run youth organization that contributes to create long-term links between individuals and organizations.